We hope to have several well known & highly regarded vendors in Owen Community House #2 throughout the festival offering a wide variety of items. Instruments, strings, on site emergency repairs, cases, straps, capos, stands, music stands, music, tuners, CD's, shirts, jewelry, & much more! Vendors will be assigned 10'x10' space in the Owen Community House #2 for their $25 vendor fee. 2 folding chairs and a table will be supplied if requested, and additional space (up to 3 total) may be requested for $25 per additional space. All vendors are cordially invited to join us for the Pot Luck Supper in the Barn Abbey on Thursday evening. Please indicate on your registration form any items that you wish donate for our raffle. THANKS!
*There will be a card to be validated by each of our vendors in every full participants' registration packet. These cards must be validated by every vendor to be eligible for our 2021 door prize drawings...
Be sure to vist & support our 2023 Chautauqua vendors!
Vendors interested in participating in the Chautauqua should download, print, & complete the vendor registration form and mail it to:
Rick Huffman
1 Parkview Dr.
New Harmony, IN. 47631
Checks should be made payable to:
Dulcimer Chautauqua On The Wabash
*Vendor registration deadline is September 21st, 2023
Call Rick Huffman @ (812) 205-6781​
2023 Chautauqua vendors currently registered are listed below: